The Reverse SIRI Command
In this weekend's comic, after a run in with a rogue smart phone, everything is about to change for the Push Button Heads family.
Bonus Zone
The inspiration for this week’s cartoon came from two different reflections: (1) an article by the creators of my favourite, distraction-free writing software whom I love for their principle stance against adding artificial intelligence to their offerings; and (2) remembering this funny “comic intervention” that I created more than a decade ago out of a page from a 1970s issue of National Geographic.
Here’s a throwback from another comic I made last year about Artificial Intelligence (or the lack thereof).

Speaking of “smart” devices…
How about dressing yours up in a new, protective case?
I made a thing recently. I tried my hand at a surface pattern design concept filled with my signature dog doodles, some of which you may recognize from past comic strips. It seemed like the perfect illustration to decorate an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Check it out! They’re up in my shop now.